Professional Reports: A professional report is an analysis of a “real-world” planning problem or a detailed simulation of a planning project by students in UCI’s Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning Program. Students diagnose a planning problem, select appropriate analytical methods to assess the problem, and identify, evaluate, and recommend strategies to address the problem. Examples of past reports include:
“City and School Partnerships: Strengthening the Community of Moreno Valley with a Joint Use Agreement”
Client: Moreno Valley Unified School District
“Creating, Administering and Overseeing Owner-Occupied Affordable Housing in Orange County”
Client: Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County
“Artesia Pilar Community Asset Mapping: Identifying Local Assets and Resources”
Client: Orange County Human Relations
“Regional Habitat Conservation Planning”
Client: San Diego Zoo Conservation Research Center
“California’s Water Shortage: A Comprehensive Overview of the Water Crisis in Southern California”
Client: NEXTEP Consultants