Research Reports and Policy Briefs


  • Land Use and Vehicle Miles of Travel in the Climate Change Debate: Getting Smarter than Your Average Bear. 
    by Marlon G. Boarnet, Douglas Houston, Gavin Ferguson, and Steven Spears
  • Affordable Housing in Transportation Corridors – Built Environment, Accessibility, and Air Pollution Implications of Near-Roadway Residential Locations.  Principal Investigator: Douglas Houston, UCI Policy, Planning and Design; Co- Principal Investigator: Jun Wu, UCI Epidemiology & Program in Public Health.   Abstract is here.

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Peer-reviewed Research

  • Hipp, John R. and Amrita Singh. (2014). “Changing Neighborhood Determinants of Housing Price Trends in Southern California, 1960-2009.” City & Community. 13(3): 254-274. [This project studies whether the relationship between certain characteristics of neighborhoods and home values have changed over a 50 year period in Southern California.  An important finding is that the negative relationship with racial/ethnic minorities has decreased substantially in recent decades.]

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Problem-Solving/Capacity Building Student Research

Professional Reports: A professional report is an analysis of a “real-world” planning problem or a detailed simulation of a planning project by students in UCI’s Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning Program. Students diagnose a planning problem, select appropriate analytical methods to assess the problem, and identify, evaluate, and recommend strategies to address the problem. Examples of past reports include:

“City and School Partnerships: Strengthening the Community of Moreno Valley with a Joint Use Agreement”
Client: Moreno Valley Unified School District

“Creating, Administering and Overseeing Owner-Occupied Affordable Housing in Orange County”
Client: Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County

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