On Thursday, September 29, 2016 Dr. John Hipp and Dr. Kevin Kane presented cutting-edge research focusing on different dimensions of the Southern California region, and the consequences for neighborhoods in the region to the Southern California Association of Government’s Regional Council Meeting.
The presentation focused on the research findings of the most recent MFI Quarterly Reports:
- Neighborhood Mixing and Economic Dynamism, which explores mixing across the dimensions of income, racial composition, age, land use, and the type of housing in Southern California, then ask what are the consequences of mixing for economic dynamism in neighborhoods.
- Detecting Job Density Over Time, which shares insights on the employment concentration in Southern California’s complex regional structure.
- Understanding Business Churning Dynamics and their Spatial Variation, which sheds light on the effect of business churning across Southern California based upon industrial composition, business climate and other socio-economic factors.
Watch the MFI Research Team provide further insight on the findings and answer questions.